BTRON MicroScript Reference Manual

Appendix 1 List of Errors

This is an illegal item that cannot be interpreted

A necessary item is lacking

This is an illegal instruction

This is a non-supported instruction

Cannot be described outside a procedure

Cannot be described inside a procedure

There is no END at the end of the procedure

The size of the script has exceeded the limit

The number of procedures and variables have exceeded the limit

The the number procedure arguments and local variables have exceeded the limit

The DEF name has already been defined

The size of DEF has exceeded the limit

The depth of the DEF nest expansion has exceeded the limit

You have exceeded the range of numerical values that can be handled

The numerical value format is illegal

The length of the character string has exceeded the limit

There is no " at the end of the character string

There is no ' at the end of the nonnumeric literal

There is no ) corresponding to (

There is no ] corresponding to [

() cannot be specified, because it is not a procedure

[] cannot be specified, because it is not a procedure

. cannot be specified, because it is not a segment or a procedure

The state name is illegal

This state name is not applicable

This cannot be operated on, because it is not a numerical value

This cannot be operated on, because it is not an integer

An array section cannot be specified

Please specify the numerical value item

Please specify the integer item


Appendix 1 List of Errors

Please specify an array, segment, or procedure

Please specify a procedure

Please specify a procedure or procedure number

Please specify a segment

Please specify a character segment

Please specify a virtual object segment

Please specify a virtual object segment or path name

Please specify a variable segment

Please specify a segment other than a virtual object

Please specify a character string or character array

Please specify an integer variable

Please specify a numerical value array

The SET format is illegal

The setting of a value is not possible in this item

The effect name is illegal

The event name is illegal

Please specify DUP

Please specify the size of the array with an integer

The size of the array is illegal or has exceeded the limit

The variable type is illegal

Please specify an array

The procedure name is illegal

The KEY procedure has already been defined

The number of MENU procedures has exceeded the limit

Please specify the MENU item character string

A procedure that starts up from a segment has already been specified

Please specify the segment name

The depth of the control structure nest has exceeded the limit

Because it is outside the control structure, it becomes invalid

The IF`ENDIF structure is illegal


The REPEAT`ENDREPEAT structure is illegal

The WHILE`ENDWHILE structure is illegal

The SWITCH`ENDCASE structure is illegal

The control structure beginning from the `nth line is not closed

The item is already defined

The item has not been defined

`procedure or item has not been defined

The number is illegal

The number of procedure call up parameters is illegal

The size of the stack has exceeded the limit

You have exceeded the limit for the number of parallel executions

There was illegal intermediate code

There was an illegal procedure call

There was an illegal REPEAT count value

You tried to operate on an item that is not a numerical value

There was an illegal array reference to an item that is not an array

There was an array reference in an illegal index

There was an illegal setting to a system variable

There was an illegal reference of a system variable

There was an illegal setting to a state name

There was an illegal reference of a state name

There was an illegal setting to a variable

There was an illegal reference of a variable

There was an item that is not a script

There was an item that is not a segment

There was an item that is not a character string or character array

There was an item that is not a path name

There was an item that is not a numerical value

There was an illegal argument to an embedded function

Translator's Note: The error messages in this list were translated without reference to the contents of the Reference Section, although some of them may be the same. The goal of the translator was to make these error messages a brief as possible.

The above contents of BTRON MicroScript Reference Manual were translated and loaded onto this Web page with the permission of Personal Media Corporation.

Copyright (c) 1997 Personal Media Corporation

Copyright (c) 2010 Sakamura Laboratory, University Museum, University of Tokyo